The Parish Council of Catholic Women strives to combine spirituality, fellowship and service. We share stories of faith and family in hopes of making our little corner of the world a better place, and to reinforce the lessons learned in Scripture and liturgy. Open to all women of our parish, the group meets monthly from September through June. We do service projects such as making blankets for a women's shelter as well as sponsoring group outings to build friendships within our parish and community.

  • 2023 Summer Fun Outing

    We met after church and headed as a group to Denmark where we visited the Carmelite Monastery (photo on main page), the Natural Beauty Greenhouse, and the Curran Spirituality Center. We finished the day with a luncheon at DeGrand’s Family Restaurant. We fed our bodies and our souls and had a great day!

  • Natural Beauty Greenhouse

    This is the greenhouse that supplies the mums that Saint Anthony church displays in the fall. We were able to have a private tour.

  • Curran Spirituality Center

    The chapel and rosary garden were blessed by Bishop Ricken in 2016. Click here for an article from The Compass for more information.