Why St. Anthony? It’s an an investment in life!
Some ask “why should I spend money on tuition when I can get the same thing at the public school for free?” The answer is they are notthe same thing! Catholic schools focus on education of the whole child. This means that body, mind, spirit, and emotions are cultivated to their highest extent. Catholic schools help all of their students to fully understand who they are, why they are here, and who God wants them to be.
Consider today making the most important investment you can make: the investment of your child’s happiness and success in life!
St. Anthony School Mission
St. Anthony School strives to educate each student in spirit, mind, and body, by fostering personal excellence within the Catholic tradition.
St. Anthony School Philosophy Statements
St. Anthony Catholic School is founded on the person of Jesus Christ and is enlivened by Gospel values. We believe in demonstrating a special concern for the uniqueness of each person by emphasizing education in searching for personal meaning.
St. Anthony Catholic School highlights the relevance of our faith to life and contemporary culture. We believe in expressing a distinctly Catholic view on issues in society by offering a curriculum that is relevant to individual students and which helps them find meaning in their own life experiences.
St. Anthony Catholic School is embedded within the community of believers and shares in the mission of the Church. We believe that each group must share and accept the responsibility of communicating with one another in order to gain the mutual respect within the total faith community. We are committed to the development of the school, the faith community, and are part of the local Church, community, and Diocese of Green Bay.
St. Anthony Catholic School is committed to the development of the whole person. We believe in providing experiences designed to foster the growth of the whole person spiritually, intellectually, socially, emotionally, and physically. These ideals may only be accomplished through a spirit of cooperation shared among the following groups: school family, school staff, parents, and students. The school working with the parents provides the students the opportunity to grow in their faith and scholarship through a quality curriculum.
The education outcomes at St. Anthony Catholic School are unique and different from those of similar public educational facilities. The school assumes the dual nature of humanity – the physical and spiritual. The educational program addresses both of these natures and is therefore a complete and holistic approach to education.